Pomegranate - Loyalty Club
Join the Pomegranate Wellness Spa Hotel Loyalty Club and gain an instant discount of 5 - 7.5%

By joining our “Loyalty Club”, you collect rewards and enjoy exclusive offers, not available to any other guests. The more you stay with us, the more benefits you receive. Sign up today!
How it works
- Pomegranate Loyalty Club members collect 5 points for every overnight spent at Pomegranate Wellness Spa Hotel.
- “Pomegranate Loyalty Club Points”, the reward currency, are credited to the guest’s personal membership account upon check-out and are redeemed as per each level determines (instant redemption on the Silver level/ redemption at the next stay on the Gold level).
- To avail all membership rewards, guests need to redeem their points within the ongoing operating year or the next summer season.